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Hotel Schools of Distinction 2022 Spring Board meeting Wroxton College campus of FDU, England

Hotel Schools of Distinction 2022 Spring Board meeting Wroxton College campus of FDU, England
Following the hybrid Hotel Schools of Distinction’s meeting last October on campus in The Hague, the association met this week for the first time with the almost complete Board since the start of the pandemic.

Following the hybrid Hotel Schools of Distinction’s meeting last October on campus at Hotelschool The Hague, the association met this week for the first time with the (almost) complete Board since the start of the pandemic.

The 2-day meeting was hosted at the beautiful and historic UK campus of the American Fairleigh Dickinson University in Wroxton, a small village between London and Birmingham.

Topics of common interest that were on the agendas were student involvement, mandatory attendance, online learning, impact of research for our industry, professional courses and expanding the current group of HSD members to all continents of the world.